The Office Olympics team is looking for your feedback! Please let us know what is on your mind and send us a word on what you are thinking.
Office Chair Destruction
Two more videos from office olympics season 1 are available for download.
The site has gotten alot of traffic and I plan to add a few more sections, as soon as I can free up the time from participating in office olympics events.
New Video Clip
Another office olympics video has been added. That means Office olympics season 1 is almost finished!!!
I’ll let everyone know how season II is coming along once production has begun.
Office Olympics Season 1
The first season of videos has been finalized and edited, check back every week for a new video to be put online. The old funny videos can be found, but will be phased out.
Office Olympics Season 2
The second season of office olympics is currently in production and will be available after the entire first season’s new video clips have been announced. Check back now and again for updates on what is happening in the production of office olympics season 2.
Office Olympics
Get information about the site in the office olympians and office olympic events sections. Get involved with Office Olympics all it takes is a video camera, an office and some free time, submit your office olympics videos to us and visit our office humor forums.
Office Olympics is an entertainment website offering office humor video tapes and put on the Internet to be watched while bored at work and hopefully inspire you to submit your own office olympics videos to our archives. Download our Office Olympics videos, join the forums and get involved, theres no time to be sitting around.
Contact the office olympics team members through this handy dandy contact form.
Office olympics official forum is now online. Feel free to post information about your own office’s events, talk with other bored office workers online and waste time until yor bosses come around.
Funny video – Office chair training
The newest funny video offered by office olympics.net, Is online. Check out the funny videos download page to check it out.
Office olympics funny video section
Office olympics now has 4 videos available for download. Check them out while you are bored at work, or ready for a good laugh.
Olympics parody in the office
Check out the video section to watch the office olympics’ funny video clips.
Office olympics guestbook is online and available for anyone who wants to leave comments about office olympics.
New video
Dragostea Din Tei is the newest funny office olympics video.
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